
‘Disability’ is an umbrella term for long-term impairments. According to UK disability statistics (Prevalence and life experiences), the most frequently reported impairment type is mobility at (46%).

New data estimates that 1.2 million (1.9%) of the UK population belong to the group of people that use a wheelchair.

It is estimated that an additional 1.4 million (2%) do not use a wheelchair as standard but do rely on ambulation equipment (sticks/canes or walkers), to fulfill daily activities.

This 2% second group is the most prevalent because it represents those who have mobility impairment resulting from all progressive medical conditions and all accidental injuries that have a lasting impact on mobility.

Supplementary notes:
Numbers will not round to 100 as individuals may use a number of mobility aids to fit required activites and stamina

Market and consumer data platform-, Statista indicate that the most commonly reported impairments among working age adults in 2020/21 were mental health and mobility-both of which were reported by 42% of disabled people in this age group). Mobility was also the most frequently reported impairment among disabled people of State Pension age, affecting 63% of people within this group.

A lack of suitable accommodation for the mobility impaired-whether working or pension age creates reluctance in many to travel or stay in unfamiliar spaces-anxious that these places will not meet their important needs.